Wednesday, May 23, 2012, Wednesday Biking Jams: Only Prettier

~Note - This is the post that should have gone up Tuesday, May 22. Find out why it didn't here, and enjoy your third post of the day to make up for it.  ~

I don't usually go in for country, but there are a few exceptions to that on my Bike Ride playlist. This one in particular went a long way toward helping me deal with some folks in town this week that made me pretty angry.

Operation Save America, a group of particularly rabid abortion protesters, visited Jackson this week to  "minister" to a doctor in town who "kills babies" in his "killing center" (aka: offers pregnancy terminations along with his general practitioner services). They brought huge signs with pictures of bloody fetuses and were generally pretty hateful when the town objected to those signs. 

Because of my job, I had to be polite to these people instead of just ignoring them, and there were days it threatened to make my blood boil. So as I was biking by them, I found myself skipping my iPod to "Only Prettier," Miranda Lambert's tongue-in-cheek ode to tolerance. 

Between the lampooning lyrics and pedaling just a little harder than usual, I worked out  my frustration without actually punching anyone. And I managed to get past them more quickly, which was kind of a perk. The group left Sunday, but not before they protested outside the churches that asked them not to come. Such charming people. 

So Dear Operation Save America, 

I hope you enjoyed Jackson, and please don't come back. 

And to my readers, enjoy this week's jam and don't let the bastards get you down. 

Love and Kisses, 

Little Red Mountain Bike

P.S. - Lyrics can be found here

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