In this instance, the question was: what did a cycling website mean when they mentioned a Highway 89 pathway?
This was a stupid question because it turned out the whole time I'd been using the in-town bike path, I'd been blithely oblivious to a path branching off of it near Smith's grocery store that parallels the highway as it heads west. Bike Pimp pointed it out on a map, then explained that past a certain point, you can either head down Game Creek Road (ie: site of the trailhead for the highly popular Game Creek Trail) or head on to Hoback Junction (ie: site of one of two gas stations between the Idaho border and Jackson on that highway).
The highway's on the left, the path is the little road on the right |
I was excited (you may have noticed I often am in these circumstances), since driving on Highway 89 is a pretty scenic experience - as are most parts of being outside around here, and decided to spend part of the weekend on the path. I figured I could decide whether I went on to Hoback or Game Creek depending on what I felt like at the time. (Spoiler - I went for Game Creek and tried out some of the Game Creek Trail).
Then I had a conversation that made me nervous, too.
I told another friend - we'll call her Hand Model, since she'll know why and will roll her eyes - of my plans and invited her along. Her response: "Oh man, that's way too hilly." Now, Hand Model doesn't care for hills in general on a bike ride, but around here I once heard a trail that scales a damn mountain described as "a bit hilly," so I decided to investigate a little.
By that I mean I tried out the first mile and a half or so one evening after work. Why I decided that was sufficiently representative of a 6.2-mile trail, I'm not sure. I guess I thought that if I couldn't make it that far, I had no business trying the rest of the ride. Basically I went out as far as The Bird, a restaurant and pub I keep meaning to try, but never quite feel like going to because it's just far enough out of town to feel inconvenient.
Did the path end up with more hills and inclines than the path through town? An unqualified yes. Were some of them steep-ish and sustained-ish? Yes. Ish. But they also weren't hard to manage, so I went home with my mind made up. The ride was on for the weekend.
My route: Russ Garaman Trail to Highway 89 path to Game Creek Road to Game Creek Trail
Surface: Paved to Game Creek Road, then gravel. Dirt, etc. on the trail.
Incline: Jee. Zus. But not impossible. I'll explain later.
Distance: About 10 miles one way, including the trail. 6.2 miles to Game Creek Road alone.
What you'll see: As per usual, there will be Tetons if it's clear. Great overlook of Flat Creek as it runs out to the west. A ton of non-specific natural beauty.