Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Biking Jams: ACDC Duo

When you bike in the morning and are me, you invariably start off with a motivation problem. Generally speaking if you do anything in the morning and are me, including but not limited to everything that isn't sleeping, you have a motivation problem. Trouble is, especially as the days have been getting hotter, morning is a good time to engage in physical activity without having to bring more water than you can realistically carry on an aluminum-frame bike.

So I bring you the band, and two songs whose particular relevance I'll explain in a minute, that had me strongly considering a bit of extracurricular headbanging at 8:30 a.m. I shit you not. Thus is the magic of ACDC.

I'm also quite fond of You Shook Me All Night Long, and it'll serve the same purpose, but that song wasn't on my Bike Ride Playlist on the day in question. On said day, it was freaking early for me to be awake on a Saturday, but I had a few commitments later in the day and wanted to have time for a proper ride. How I got my ass out of bed and onto the bike without convincing myself that sleeping for another several hours would be just as fun is something of a mystery, but it definitely happened.

Trouble with all this was that getting onto the bike seemed to be the limit of my ability that morning. Even pushing the "shuffle songs" button to make sure my Bike Ride Playlist didn't just play songs in alphabetical order of artists proved a smidge too difficult. That meant my two ACDC songs came up first, and right after one another. Suddenly I had a bit more energy. I daresay I, a girl, got rhythm. Sure it was still early when the songs ended, but by then I'd been pedaling long enough to get my blood and my adrenaline pumping a bit. That's really all it takes.

So keep Girl's Got Rhythm and Highway to Hell in mind the next time you're on a ride when you'd rather not even be awake, and a happy Tuesday to one and all.

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